Lotus Steps 2023-2024 Dance List

1. 《采薇》Swaying Willows

古典舞《采薇》是来自舞剧《孔子》的一段经典舞蹈,展现了孔子内心所期盼的理想世界。孔子周游列国,然而未获重用而屡遭驱逐。他悲于百姓疾苦,深知实现理想任重道远,却仍坚守自己的道。此时,他仿佛见到了大同世界,一个学子尊师重道、君主得信于民,百姓安居乐业的世界。恍惚间,仿佛有及笄少女踏歌而来。舞蹈展现的便是这样一幅平静美好、无忧无虑的画面。舞蹈选取了《诗经·小雅·采薇》中的四句,“昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。” 舞者们以优美俏皮、欢快灵动的舞姿、展现了桃花源般的美好世界,也映衬了现实与理想之间的巨大鸿沟。大“道”仍在路上。

The classical dance “Gathering Weeds” is from the dance drama “Confucius”, which portrays the ideal world that Confucius longed for. Confucius aspired to travel through the various states, but he was repeatedly dismissed and never gained the recognition he sought. He was saddened by the suffering of the people, and understood that achieving his ideals was a difficult and distant path. Nevertheless, he remained steadfast in his principles. He could envision a world of great harmony – a world where students revered their teachers, rulers gained the trust of their people, and the citizens lived in peace and contentment. In a fleeting moment, it was as if young girls in their prime came dancing. The dance portrays such a serene and carefree scene. The dance selects four lines from the “Book of Poetry, Minor Odes of the Kingdom – Gathering Weeds,” which go: “In the past, when I went there, the willow trees were lush. Now, as I think back, there is a drizzle of rain and snow.” The dancers, with their graceful, lively, and joyful movements, depict a beautiful world like the Peach Blossom Spring, highlighting the vast gap between reality and ideals. The great “Dao” is still a journey ahead.

Difficulty: Beginner

Instructor: Jingyuan Fu

2. 《陶醉了》Intoxicated


Traditional Dai ethnic dance is inspired by the water-rich lands found throughout the Yunnan province in southern China. In “Intoxicated,” a sisterhood of Dai women come together in their distinct flat bamboo hats and floor-length narrow skirts to honor this deeply-rooted connection between nature and life. With uniquely sinuous movements and sharply angled poses, these dancers evoke the feeling of a river that is forever shaping the earth beneath their feet.

Difficulty: Advanced

Instructor: Jaclyn Yuan

3.《沐月行》A Moonlit Trek

群舞《沐月行》以朝鲜民族传统舞蹈为创作题材,通过追月、望月、探月等表达,运用现代审美思考的形式,表现出朝鲜族女性特有的含蓄内敛与刚柔相济之美。向观众描绘出微微清风浮动着朵朵白云,淡淡的月光透过云层时而凌乱时而徘徊。懵懂的少女不约而同齐聚在空旷的田野,渴望着最美最纯净的月亮,内心的迫切换作空中的劲风,拨开了重叠的云层。 万里晴空中的一轮满月,沐浴月光下的少女,交织勾勒出一幅清新典雅的精美画卷。

“A Moonlit Trek” is a Chaoxian dance that expresses the character of the Chaoxian girls, subtle and simultaneously tough yet delicate, through acts of admiring the moon. At the beginning of the dance, the moon is obscured behind fickle clouds blown by a breeze and the innocent girls gather in the open fields hoping to see it. Their strong desires turn into strong winds and push aside the clouds, revealing a full moon that together with the moonlit girls interweave into a beautiful and elegant picture.

Difficulty: Beginner

Instructor: Siqi Li

4. 《纸扇书生》Scholars With Paper Fans


Filled with charm, elegance, and unbridled energy, “Scholars With “Paper Fans,” illustrates the refined and gentlemanly qualities, graceful demeanor, cultured disposition, and spirited temperament of the classical Chinese scholar. The dynamic movements of the paper fans and the rippling of the robes brings a group of ancient scholars to life. 

Difficulty: Intermediate

Instructor: Sophie Gao

5. 《渔梦渔阳》Dreams of Fishing in Yuyang


“Dreams of Fishing in Yuyang” is a Han folk dance. Through the use of bamboo hats, this piece portrays villagers fishing side by side against the backdrop of a beautiful ocean sunset. The audience are invited to share in the villagers’ feelings of delight and contentment.

Difficulty: Beginner

Instructor: Jasmine Zhang


6. 《石榴花开》Blossoming Pomegranates


“Blossoming Pomegranates” is a Xinjiang dance characterized by vibrant dresses and tambourines which mirror pomegranate flowers in full bloom. The pomegranate fruit has deep roots in Xinjiang culture, symbolizing fertility, abundance, and prosperity. 

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Instructor: Emily Ou

7. 《万物生》Alive


“Alive” is a Tibetan dance that deeply reflects the Tibetan folk principles that all things are reincarnated and that death is an inevitable part of the cycle of universal life. The dancers’ movements are bold and their jumps vigorous, showing the great value they place in being alive, for if the beginning is equivalent to the end, then there is no need to live in fear.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Instructor: Alice Guey


8. 《唐印》The Awakening of the Tang Figurines


The classical dance “Tang Yin”, or “The Awakening of the Tang Figurines” revives the splendor of the Tang Dynasty through ancient Tang Sancai figurines. The dance portrays their revival in the night, reflecting the grandeur of the prosperous Tang era. However, as the dance concludes, the lively figurines transform back into sculptures, as if everything is once again buried in the dust of history. This dance not only depicts the figurines’ journey from life to sculpture but also conveys the rise and fall of the great Tang Dynasty, echoing the natural cycles of “Man follows Earth, Earth follows Heaven, Heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao follows Nature.”

Difficulty: Advanced

Instructor: Jiaxi Liu

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